Sunday, December 30, 2007


Robin.. To get a baby daddy Sonny.. to get my tubes tied Liz.. to invest in birth control Michael JR.. to take over the "family business" Jason.. to be the best superhero Port Charles has ever seen! Luke.. to eat better and stay healthy...not! Sam.. to have a real storyline! Lulu.. to fall inlove with Logan.. I mean Johnny.. wait no Spinelli...better yet Sonny (they all run to him anyway) find out wtf is wrong with my brain too ( and to have a son of my very own!) Ric.. to get some ass Spinelli..what Ric said Dr Kelly.. to call Ric and Spinelli Text message killer.. to get unlimitted texts! and acquire an endless supply phone chords ;-) Cooper.. to do love with a phone chord! Logan..Lulu..Lulu..Lulu..Lulu..Lulu..ohhh Lulu! Monica/Bobby/Felicia.. to get movement in our faces Maxie.. to find a boyfriend with a personality Spencer.. to be somebodys son! Dr Patrick.. to obtain more mirrors (can never have enough of myself) Carly.. to not butt into anybody's business... "Max, where's Sonny?" Jax.. to be the best daddy to Sonny's kids! Alexis.. to get my contract renewed!

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